Contact Us

Report An Absence: [email protected]

Mailing Address: 

CREC Academy of Science and Innovation

600 Slater Road
New Britain, CT 06053

Main Tel: (860) 223-0726
Main Fax: (860) 223-0742

Karen Mooney, Principal - (860) 223-0726 x7646
Royston Jordan, Assistant Principal - (860) 233-0726 x7687
Tony Ramos, Assistant Principal - (860) 223-0726 x7789
Kimberly Winfield, Dean of Students (M.S.) -  (860) 223-0726 x7674
Kerry-Ann Rhoden, Dean of Students (H.S.) - (860) 223-0726 x7771

Evelyn De La Cruz, Administrative Assistant to the Principal - (860) 223-0726 x7688
Elizabeth Wilson, F.A.C.E.S - (860) 223-0726 x7756
Registrar - (860) 461-6590 x7728

Nurse  (860) 223-0726 x7603 - office
            - (860) 223-0380 - fax