Prospective Families

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Ignite Your Student’s Curiosity
Serving Students Grades 6 -12 in the Greater Hartford Region

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At CREC Academy of Science and Innovation, your student will encounter a cutting-edge curriculum focused on Computer Science + Robotics, Biotechnology, and Environmental Science, masterful teachers, and a warm school community — all housed on a beautiful campus just minutes from downtown Hartford. 

The Academy of Science and Innovation Magnet School is a solutions-oriented, technology-based science and engineering community for students in grades 6-12. Students are inspired and prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century through a robust academic program where collaboration, innovation, and critical thinking skills ensure college and career readiness. Students are respectful, self-disciplined, and productive global citizens in a diverse, multicultural environment. 

Explore excellence at CREC Academy of Science and Innovation! Download our brochure today to discover how our innovative programs and dedicated teachers help shape a future of success for your student.

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